Eyelash follicles are fine strands of hairs which are soft and help protect the entrance of sweat into the eyes. Shorter lashes are incapable to protect the eyes from damages caused by debris. Using eyelash extension is best way to flaunt off your eyelashes. This method is tedious for you need adhesive to club the extensions with the original lashes. There are many ways to enhance the natural growth of eyelashes. Let us take close look at few tips to grow longer eyelashes naturally.
7 Tips to enhance growth of eyelashes:
Use oil on your lashes: Applying the castor oil on your lashes before going to bed at night helps to grow the eyelashes. This give you longer, darker and beautiful lashes that make your lashes look absolutely gorgeous. You can use clean mascara brush to apply this oil to your lashes. Using your fingers after cleaning them and applying it to your lashes is helpful to boost its growth. In the morning, simply wash off your lashes with warm water to get rid of sticky oil.
Petroleum jelly: Pure petroleum jelly is effective to enhance the growth of your eyelashes naturally. Some people feel heaviness on their lashes after using the jelly. The formation of white crusts on the eyelashes makes it feels heavier; wash off with water.
Use egg white: The egg white has potential to make the lashes stronger and prevent it from fall out. You can mix this with castor oil and use two drops on your lashes. Apply this with a brush and leave it overnight. This helps to improve the growth rate of your lashes.
Minimize the application of eye makeup: The cosmetics used in eye makeup should be minimized; these contain chemicals that could damage your lashes. You should remove the makeup when going to bed with help of gentle makeup remover. The less time your lashes are in contact with the cosmetics; fewer the chances of lash damage.
Avoid using fake eyelashes: These are said to be harmful and can affect the health of your original lashes. You should also avoid using Kohl on daily basis as this can adversely affect the eye health.
Check your diet: Manage your diet as such that it contains foods rich in vitamin E. this is known to support the health of your lashes and provide you beautifully longer eyelashes. You should consume fruits, veggies that contains higher amount of proteins and vitamins to boost up healthy growth of lash follicles.
Eyelash Enhancers: There are few eyelash enhancer products that contain natural ingredients to boost the development of your lashes. These are easily available via online and stores at economical rates. Read the eyelash enhancer reviews to know the ingredients present in them and how well they work to boost the growth of your eyelashes.
Some expert tips have been highlighted that help you grow longer eyelashes. It is your choice to choose any of these medications and remedies for getting beautifully thicker eyelashes. Natural eyelash enhancers are easy to use for promoting the enriched growth of eyelashes.

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